The Star Achievers Academy program is a public-private community partnership between the Peninsula Metropolitan YMCA, the Peninsula Rotary Club, and Cooper Elementary Magnet School for Technology, a public elementary school in Hampton. The mission of the program is to foster the talents and abilities of the "children in the middle", the often-overlooked average-achieving student. The team of gifted teachers and staff believe that all children, given the right support, can learn and excel. Students can attend the school from throughout the city.
Cooper is the only elementary magnet school in the City of Hampton. The emphasis at Cooper and at the Star Achievers Academy is technology. The focus on technology provides an environment that fosters analytical thinking, reasoning and creativity. More than computers, the technology program is integrated with all facets of learning. For example, kindergarten students working independently and completely at ease in navigating the phonics reading program, or 2nd graders using an electronic smart board, or the student-led closed-circuit television station demonstrates technology as a seamless part of the tools of the classroom and learning. The school-wide character education program stresses the importance of the six pillars of character: caring, honesty, respect, responsibility, fairness and citizenship.
The Peninsula Rotary Club was instrumental in starting the Star Achievers Academy. Presently Star Achievers has many businesses and organizations supporting it. At the start, however, the Peninsula Rotary was its only significant outside funding source, and today still is the largest benefactor. Since 1995, the Peninsula Rotary Club has supported the Star Achievers Academy with $385,573 in financial assistance.
Visit the Star Achievers Academy website.