To say that Jim Pierce was active in Rotary would be quite an understatement, so it is no surprise that the Peninsula Rotary Club's photo archives include lots of him. Assembled here, in more-or-less chronological order, are a few of those photos to honor Jim's memory. Recognition for photo credits can be spread throughout the Peninsula Club. If there seems to be a preponderence of photographs taken in Costa Rica, it is because the Peninsula Club's webmaster was also involved in our projects there, and so those shots are the ones he has in his quiver.
Remember bound, printed club directories? This page from a directory dates from the early 1990's.
This is Jim horsing around in the year 2000 with children at the Aldea de Ninos, an orphanage in Costa Rica that was the site of the Peninsula Rotary's first international project.
This photo was taken in the kitchen of the home of the mayor of Fila de Guayabo do Mora, a small village in the mountains of Costa Rica. Jim is sampling the mayor's wife's homemade brandy.
Four fearless Peninsula Rotarians prepare to run mountaintop zip lines.
In the mountains near Santa Elena, Costa Rica, Jim sits in the saddle like a seasoned horseman. He later remarked that it was the first time he had ever been on a horse.
In 2002, in the early days of digital photography, Jim took this photo of a boy in a Costa Rican elementary school, then immediately showed the boy his photo.
Jim, soon to be a District Governor in this 2005 scene, talks with Franco Alvarenga, president of the Escazu Rotary Club, the Peninsula Club's partner for several Costa Rican projects.
Jim addresses the crowd at the 2005 celebration of the completion of our $32,000 project at the Carmen Lyra school. Beside him is his translator Andrea, a member of the Escazu Rotary.
We are back in the USA for this photograph. Jim presents club president Al Roosendaal with a banner celebrating the fact that every member of the Virginia Peninsula Rotary Club had achieved Paul Harris Fellow status. Although he is presenting the banner to Al, it was largely Jim's efforts that brought about this success.
In this 2011 photo, Jim and members of the Escazu Rotary Club are discussing water purification with administrators at an elementary school in Escazu.
Jim, Suki, and daughter Cello are shown here with two friends that they had brought to the 2011 Tennis Ball, an event co-sponsored by the Peninsula Rotary.
Jim twice took his daughter Cello to Costa Rica on project-related trips. They are shown here overlooking the Poaz volcano with Philippe D'Eaubonne, a member of the Escazu Rotary and, not coincidentally, an amateur geologist and vulcanologist.
Jim is having lunch with Jada, a student at An Achievable Dream school. The event is Sponsor Appreciation Day at A.A.D.
Jim and Suki were generous in opening their beautiful home to Rotary events.
Jim and Suki are shown here with the Yeargins at the 2012 District Conference.
Jim and Suki are visiting the Sarlat Rotary Club in rural southwestern France. There is a Costa Rica connection here, too--second from the right is Philippe D'Eaubonne, then president of the Rotary Club of Escazu, Costa Rica. Philippe was vacationing in his French homeland, and the Pierces chose that time to take their own French vacation.
At the 2013 7600 District Conference, Jim makes no attempt to hide his pleasure at receiving a high honor, the Citation for Meritorious Service from The Rotary Foundation.
Back in Costa Rica in 2013 to help organize another water project for Escazu schools, Jim is shown here dealing with water in another form, the angry rapids of the Rio Toro.
At the 2014 party for the installation of club officers, Jim and Suki receive yet more recognition from DG Stephen Beer. They both were given pins and crystals for being Level 2 members of the Bequest Society and for being Level 2 Major Donors.
To many who know him, Jim is remembered as someone in a business suit or black tie. But the photo above, taken on the back porch of our lodgings on one of our trips to Costa Rica, is Jim Pierce, too: barefoot, a beer within reach, never far from his beloved electronic equipment, and always doing something.
In this photograph, taken at a recent Peninsula Rotary Club Charter Night event, Jim is talking to fellow members of the Peninsula Club about one of his favorite topics, The Rotary Foundation.
And how about this for an honor--having a Rotary Club named after you! Here is Jim and Suki at the James R. Pierce Rotary Club, in South Korea.